Translation Rates
Spanish / Russian – Russian / Spanish Spanish / French – French / Spanish- Russian / French – French / Russian


If you want to translate a document, you must send it, in 4 hours you will receive a budget based on the complexity and length of the document / s.
The urgency have a surcharge of 10%.



It shall indicate the place, date and time. The service will be budgeted for hours, half days or full days.
Specification and complexity of the matter
In sectors requiring specific vocabulary, I will ask the client to provide me in advance a glossary of terms and / or documentation needed to provide the most accurate translation possible.


International companion.

This service must be contracted one month in advance, the companion (Spanish) not only translats but guides the entrepreneur / contractor in the complex Russian reality.
If the interpretation service should be provided in Russia or in any of the countries of the former Soviet sphere, travel costs (including visa) and maintenance shall be borne by the contractor.